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about sakura

Sakura is a place where my personal interests, passions and life experience have evolved into a small business.

I am passionate about helping people feel & look their best.

I only use quality, organic products, no nasties and safe for the environment. 



Ever since I can remember I have loved makeup, skincare &  anything to do with improving my  health & well being.

I had never however made the connection to what I was using on my skin to be affecting my health.

 I kept purchasing expensive & what I thought was" good quality" beauty products and constantly having adverse skin reactions to them, it didn't matter how much I spent or what the brand was I seemed to be reacting to them.

 I finally found a certified organic foundation and couldn't believe the difference it made to my skin!.

 From that moment on I was a convert and then became somewhat of an ingredient detective when it came to beauty & personal care products. 


I was already a massage therapist but wanted to learn more about the skin & skincare, which led me to completing a diploma of beauty therapy.


The more  research I did showed me that   not only skin & beauty products can adversely affect skin health but they can also contribute to our overall health & vitality.


 I have learnt over the years that if you want to  have great skin & health you must take a holistic approach to your skincare, health, diet &  lifestyle factors; such as managing stress, getting enough sleep  & of course getting a massage!!! These all play a huge part in your beauty, health & well being.


So let me make it easy for you, I have done all the hard work, checking out the products & their ingredients &  I only use and recommend what works for myself & my clients.


So please check out my website &  book in for one of my treatments, I would love to hear from you!

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